A Tip For Coming Up With Ideas

Brandon Dorner

Loving YTtalk
-This is the number one most helpful thing I do when trying to come up with ideas for a video, or for most things for that matter. For me it is ideas for comedy, others it may be topics for blogs, both of those can be about anything so great this will work best for this method.

-When I get stuck on creating ideas it seems that I cannot think of anything and the pen never meets the paper, so what I do is get a blank piece of loose leaf and I write literally the first thought that pops into my head then the next thought and then the next then the next. And I try to fill up the whole piece of paper withing about 2-3 minutes, so pretty much writing non stop (unless you come up with a good idea, then work on that and come back after).

And when I mean first thing I mean the first thing even if it has no purpose or if it's nonsense trust me you will see after.

So I'll do an example now your paper should look like this. Cupcake bakery chefs hat restaurant bill job money wife house teeball nude painting plane engineers asphalt picking locks picnic cant breathe mask underwater diving buried treasure tshirt making wood working buying selling stocks old timey bartering primitive entertainment sources sports before technology too busy surviving running wasnt a sport it was bear chases car chases beach home celebrity for nothing butthurt jailcell but its cool you like your roommate shaving cream none of that in prison

Okay so I tried doing that withing 2 minutes and looking back I have a lot of topics that may not seem like good ideas on their own (some can be if you want) but we aren't done yet. This is where the fun is.

You look at all of your topics and then look back and forth at other topics and combine them and they suddenly become interesting topics.

Looking through quickly some funny things I see are:
-Buying selling nude paintings "why are all of these paintings only of yourself"
-Bear chases underwater "what if bears could swim like fish"
-Primitive entertainment sources "Ah let's go sacrifice another person" (sacrificing people is like a sport to them, primitive espn coverage of them sacrificing people, Olympic torch is now for setting people on fire)
-Underwater prison teeball, now that sounds like a show I'd like to watch

A few ideas I got with about two minutes of looking at the topics.

So that is pretty much how it works, if you don't see any connections you can make another list it'll only take about five minutes. And you only get better the more you do this, you get better at writing more topics quickly and better at making connections between topics to create even more interesting topics.

The best thing about this idea is you can do it several times within 30 minutes and come up with at least one or two really good topics!

Thank you for reading, I hope this helped and be sure to let me know if it did or what crazy topics you came up with!