A large Youtuber has a problem leaving Fullscreen network.

JB Clem

Posting Mad!
This Youtuber is NateFlicks who used to go by the name Natesvlogs before his older channel got terminated for violating Youtube's community guidelines.

Nate has said that he's received a better offer from another network but Fullscreen would not allow him to leave the Network, even though Fullscreen told him that Nate could leave Fullscreen whenever he wants to.

So what are your thoughts about this? And is anyone on here signed to Fullscreen?

Yeah, this is the kind of network horror story that makes me really hesitant to even consider any network offer. Has he considered taking it further? By the way, digging the California hoodie in your avatar, buddy ;)
If the Fullscreen rep said he could leave anytime but his contract does not, there's really nothing he can do without getting a lawyer to look over it..
His fault really (If Fullscreen are indeed sticking to the contract)
The thing about Fullscreen that you have to remember that it is one of the biggest MCN's out there. That means that the scale of people who will find it's faults is much greater. Personally, I've heard to many stories about MCN's to ever join one at my current size. But if I were to ever get something like a millions subs and become someone that they actually care about; I might change my mind.
Nate has said that he's received a better offer from another network but Fullscreen would not allow him to leave the Network, even though Fullscreen told him that Nate could leave Fullscreen whenever he wants to.

Nate is either lying about the above or doesn't understand the lawfully binding contract that he signed. Being a larger YouTuber he might have had some negotiation power for % cut and maybe some on contract duration but I would be very surprised if Fullscreen didn't lock him in for at least a year.
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I posted a comment on his video a few days ago. I told him that I don't know why he needs ANY network.

To be honest, we're on the outside and we don't positively know the details from each side.

I told FS that I was leaving at least 90 days before it was required. I wasn't taking any chances so kept reminding them every month.
I was finally able to watch it now that I am home. Where did he say that he was told he could leave whenever? I might have missed something but he mentioned he wouldn't return to that channel for six months which would indicate to me that he is in a contract until that time is up. I am not sticking up for Fullscreen at all and wouldn't recommend them or any MCN to the average YouTuber, but a contract is a contract. He stated he was in the same contract as everyone else which most likely means 1-2 years with Fullscreen.

For those of you who are thinking about joining a MCN for whatever reason, make sure you do your research and know what you are getting yourself into.

1. Duration of contract if there is one.
2. % Split that you are getting
3. Know if the MCN is a sub network and if they are double dipping on your cut on top of the main network. 60-90% of 100% or 60-90% of 60-90%
4. What can the MCN offer you? Most of them for the common user will just be the "tools" to help your channel grow and not actively helping your channel grow.
5. If they are offering the "tools" to help you help yourself grow, can you get those tools for free elsewhere?
6. If you are using the MCN for a music library for your videos, what happens when you leave and what will you have to do with their music?
7. If there a contract that locks you in for x amount of time, do they roll it over if you don't ask to be let out within x amount of time during the last 30-60 days?
8. How long is the average response time from the MCN managers?
9. I am sure there is more but I smell dinner.

Nate seems like a funny dude, I like his stuff. Best of luck to him and his channel(s). I know others that were disgruntled with Fullscreen and left their original channels to create new ones because they didn't feel like filling the pockets of Fullscreen anymore.
I always refrain from these threads unless there's enough information, just like the thing with Collective a while ago, it really is an internal matter and there is likely more going on than has been said.