A couple of questions.


New Member
I have a couple of questions on how to grow my YouTube channel a bit quicker.
1. Is doing a popular topic better or worse? (Like, is doing a popular topic for a video going to help my channel grow, or is it going to make my videos drown with all the other videos?)
2. What makes someone want to click on a video? Thumbnail, title, description, or something else?
3. What makes videos pop up when you search for something? Is it keywords, or is it title and description?
4. Is there an effective way to create keywords, or do you just type in what fits with the video?
5. What is an effective way of advertising your channel with no cost?

Thank you!
Welcome aboard.
Popular topics tend to do better but you have to give people reason to want to check out your video over the others. Make sure your title pops, have an attractive thumbnail that is on point with your video.
Apart from all that stuff, a key factor many people forget or overlook is the importance of socializing. If you frequent certain channels, I would suggest to read comments & reply to people you never know who will click on your profile.
NEVER EVER leave a link to your channel or video in somebody elses video.
I hope that helps ;)
Great Luck.
I have a couple of questions on how to grow my YouTube channel a bit quicker.
1. Is doing a popular topic better or worse? (Like, is doing a popular topic for a video going to help my channel grow, or is it going to make my videos drown with all the other videos?)

In general I would say making a video on a currently trending topic will probably get more views quicker, but will likely not get you many views after the topic dies down a bit. However things like tutorials or reviews are evergreen videos that should continue to get you views over a longer period of time.

2. What makes someone want to click on a video? Thumbnail, title, description, or something else?

I think having an attractive thumbnail definitely helps a lot. A descriptive title whilst also not fully giving away everything in the video is also good. Having a relevant description and tags are also important but that's more for getting your video to show up in search.

3. What makes videos pop up when you search for something? Is it keywords, or is it title and description?

So YouTube SEO changes quite a bit but in essence the basics stay the same. You want a relevant title, not clickbait, a decent length description which is also relevant, and relevant tags. Don't copy/paste your tags into the description but you should try to work them in naturally to the description. One of the most important things in helping your video show up in search is watch-time and click-through rate. If you have a clickbait title people will click a lot but then stop watching when it's not what it was advertised to be. You want to get people to click and also stay to watch. YouTube want people to watch your videos so make sure they're appropriately described so they show up in the correct searches.

4. Is there an effective way to create keywords, or do you just type in what fits with the video?

Relevant keywords are the most important. There are a bunch of keyword generators out there to help you think of related tags if you're struggling. Again, if you mis-label your video with keywords and tags that don't fit your video won't show up when people are actually searching for that topic.

5. What is an effective way of advertising your channel with no cost?

Network. Search for other people in your niche and comment on their videos. I don't mean ask for views and subs, I mean actually watch their video and leave a relevant comment. I know I usually check out the people who comment on my stuff if they have a channel. Plus you'll get to make real friends over time.

Hopefully that's helpful :)
I have a couple of questions on how to grow my YouTube channel a bit quicker.
1. Is doing a popular topic better or worse? (Like, is doing a popular topic for a video going to help my channel grow, or is it going to make my videos drown with all the other videos?)

That will depend on the keywords of your video. If its a topic that is trending as the others have mentioned you will get views and all the youtube goodies. with a little right optimization you could be having some good views

2. What makes someone want to click on a video? Thumbnail, title, description, or something else?

Definitely Thumbnails and there are ways too to optimize thumbnails for more click through rate. You might want to pick up the tips on that

3. What makes videos pop up when you search for something? Is it keywords, or is it title and description?

Its the keyword which you should include at the beginning of your Video Title and description as well as in your video tags. In the tags area you want to also add some related keywords and make sure to max out the tags area it counts.

4. Is there an effective way to create keywords, or do you just type in what fits with the video?

There is a lot that goes into keyword research but for anyone starting out I will recommend using the youtube search bar fro related keywords (youtube suggestions after typing in your main keyword) to us in your videos

5. What is an effective way of advertising your channel with no cost?
Thank you!

By promoting it on free social platforms like Facebook, twitter, instagram, and pinterest. Quora is also a good platform.The bottom line is you have to keep promoting until you have the growth you are looking for

Hope all that helps