7 Channels, 6 Content Creators, 1 House


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Third time's the charm! I have posted this twice already, and this is the last time I post, though I suspect it was my bad titles that made the posts go unseen. I'm moving to LA soon, and I'm looking for roommates to share a house and a collab channel with. For now, those are all the details I'll give, if interested, PM me :)
I wish I could afford to pick up and move to LA!! What an awesome idea, I really hope it works out for you. Think of the possibilities! Lots of other experienced YouTubers to help you with videos, no awkward "I feel weird when my roommates can hear me recording a video" moments, easy to collab... damn. I really wish I could move into your YouTuber house.
This would be a dream come true.
Unless everybody gets into a fight and one of the roommates happens to be a serial killer. Then instead collabs you're going to have lots of stabs. Oh man, that was a bad joke. I should be ashamed of myself. But on a serious note we need more youtubers on the East side showing how to get things done son.
This would be pretty awesome! Too bad I can't just up and move to Cali haha.

Think of the possibilities! Lots of other experienced YouTubers to help you with videos, no awkward "I feel weird when my roommates can hear me recording a video" moments, easy to collab... damn. I really wish I could move into your YouTuber house.
I know right Anna haha. I'm heading to college this year and I wonder how my roommate is going to take the whole filming thing. >.>

But on a serious note we need more youtubers on the East side showing how to get things done son.
Whatchu mean? I'm right here haha. But yeah that's true too. Now that I think about it, the East coast doesn't get as much shine or at least isn't heard about as much xD. I volunteer myself as tribute!