I've Got It
I need some help and advice. (this might be long)
My channel has over 600 video and 4700 subscribers, gaining 100 subs a month.
MY PROBLEM is too many subjects on my channel. But I am worried about dividing up
the channel and losing the slow gain I have now. BUT channels on single subjects could
rank higher on SEO / search results.
Below is my video subject and the number of videos I have on the subject:
Frogs, Fish & Shrimp - 131 videos
Dogs - 41 videos
Concerts - 96 videos
Reviews - 57 views
How to / DIY - 43 videos
Retro Gaming - 43 videos
Arcade machines / Game room - 41 videos
Hot Wheels - 37 videos
Food - 36 videos
Tech - PC and iPhone - 26 videos
Commodore 64 Videos - 21 videos
Plants/flowers - 16 videos
Last month I started a new Concert Channel and a new Commdore 64 channel.
So those videos are in the process of getting moved, I now have 30 Subs on my new Commodore 64 channel already.
I want to leave my main channel as: Dogs, Frogs, Fish & Shrimps (leave it as Steve's World)
What about other grouping for new channels? How about adding:
Food & Reviews
How-To (DIY) channel
Retro Arcade and Games
(This would give me six channels to run, but they would all be more focused)
That would leave: Hot Wheels (leave or delete), PC/iPhone(leave or delete) and then Plants/Flowers.
What would you do with these?
How about the names? I would probably continue to use the Steve's World like:
Steve's World (main pain)
Steve's World Concerts
Steve's World Food & Reviews
Steve's World How To and DIY
Etc, thinking this could be some kind of linking or branding, does it matter much?
WOW, did anyone actually read all of this, sorry its so long, but it might be time for a channel slpit and I REALLY NEED YOUR advice and opinions - Thank you so much for reading or replying!
My channel has over 600 video and 4700 subscribers, gaining 100 subs a month.
MY PROBLEM is too many subjects on my channel. But I am worried about dividing up
the channel and losing the slow gain I have now. BUT channels on single subjects could
rank higher on SEO / search results.
Below is my video subject and the number of videos I have on the subject:
Frogs, Fish & Shrimp - 131 videos
Dogs - 41 videos
Concerts - 96 videos
Reviews - 57 views
How to / DIY - 43 videos
Retro Gaming - 43 videos
Arcade machines / Game room - 41 videos
Hot Wheels - 37 videos
Food - 36 videos
Tech - PC and iPhone - 26 videos
Commodore 64 Videos - 21 videos
Plants/flowers - 16 videos
Last month I started a new Concert Channel and a new Commdore 64 channel.
So those videos are in the process of getting moved, I now have 30 Subs on my new Commodore 64 channel already.
I want to leave my main channel as: Dogs, Frogs, Fish & Shrimps (leave it as Steve's World)
What about other grouping for new channels? How about adding:
Food & Reviews
How-To (DIY) channel
Retro Arcade and Games
(This would give me six channels to run, but they would all be more focused)
That would leave: Hot Wheels (leave or delete), PC/iPhone(leave or delete) and then Plants/Flowers.
What would you do with these?
How about the names? I would probably continue to use the Steve's World like:
Steve's World (main pain)
Steve's World Concerts
Steve's World Food & Reviews
Steve's World How To and DIY
Etc, thinking this could be some kind of linking or branding, does it matter much?
WOW, did anyone actually read all of this, sorry its so long, but it might be time for a channel slpit and I REALLY NEED YOUR advice and opinions - Thank you so much for reading or replying!