Loving YTtalk
...and to think. a couple of months ago i was straining through 14000 views.
in the last 30 days i have over 29000 views, and +174 subs. got partnered in january, but was still struggling... then something happened. not sure what. people started subscribing every day in a steady trickle. on the 20th i had an all time recordbreaking +22 subscribers.
i threw a couple of videos up on reddit, but that went nowhere and got slammed with downvoter kids. (it once was a success but only once).
mainly i think that subscribers are like snowballs. you got one? you're screwed. you got 500? people see that 500 people are subscribed and subscribe too. it progresses.
actually come to think of it i might have a couple of ideas about this, maybe i make a commentary about it? how bout it? will anyone watch?
my channel is funny and informative (hardly). i'm not asking for your sub, i'm asking you to look it. decide for yourself
in the last 30 days i have over 29000 views, and +174 subs. got partnered in january, but was still struggling... then something happened. not sure what. people started subscribing every day in a steady trickle. on the 20th i had an all time recordbreaking +22 subscribers.
i threw a couple of videos up on reddit, but that went nowhere and got slammed with downvoter kids. (it once was a success but only once).
mainly i think that subscribers are like snowballs. you got one? you're screwed. you got 500? people see that 500 people are subscribed and subscribe too. it progresses.
actually come to think of it i might have a couple of ideas about this, maybe i make a commentary about it? how bout it? will anyone watch?
my channel is funny and informative (hardly). i'm not asking for your sub, i'm asking you to look it. decide for yourself