50 subs video title.


Loving YTtalk
I don't want it too long, but I don't want it too short.

Basically the video is going to start off with a thank you message to all of my subscribers and viewers and then a video is going to kick in..

The video is 10 things to NEVER do in public.

I like the title, it's short simple and straight to the point, but I want my subs to know it's a thank you message also, but I feel if I have it "10 things to NEVER do in public and a huge thank you" it will be too long..

Any simple suggestions at all?
Lol, I like your title! xD
But people don't like really long videos unless you get a good start like the way RWJ does, although his videos are not long. Put something catchy in the starting which can convince your viewers it will be worth watching this video, or else don't expect them to watch a long video with a boring start. But from the title i'd be looking forward to your video!
The video itself shouldn't be too long, it's more how long the title is going to be as I don't personally like huge titles.
Well personally what I would do is make a two different video that would show how precious our subscriber our by actually making a different video for them. But if you are dedicating a video then you could just then you could just frame it like "10 things to NEVER do in public - Specially dedicated to someone" :P I mean something like that don't actually put that, that all I could suggest
Keep the original title. What is needed to be done is that in the description write a thank you and in the beginning start vlogging a thank you video then jump in to the 10 things never to do in public. Oh, and also make sure that the video is sweet short and to the point so you get the thank you AND video out there!
Keep the original title. What is needed to be done is that in the description write a thank you and in the beginning start vlogging a thank you video then jump in to the 10 things never to do in public. Oh, and also make sure that the video is sweet short and to the point so you get the thank you AND video out there!

Thanks for the tip :)