5 Ways To Keep Your Mind Off of Hair Loss! Hint: Origami


I Love YTtalk
5 Ways to Keep Your Mind Off of Hair Loss! Hint: Origami.
Hair Loss happens to the best of us and sometimes to the not best of us but the point is that it happens. You can do many things but maybe one thing is not to think about it. You could go shopping and buy shoes. Lots and lots of pretty shoes. Maybe even shoes. I don’t know about you but shoes make me happy. Did I mention shoes? Also, I may or may not be horribly in debt. I’m sure my shoe habit has nothing to do with it. Did you know that when you dress well and wear pretty shoes your hair looks fuller? Yeah it’s a thing for sure. Are you suggesting I’m making that up? Why? Why do you have to doubt me? I thought we had gotten past this to the point where you trust me and want to buy me shoes.
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