OK, first off there is no garentee that these ideas are unique or original or good. I haven't seen all of YouTube so forgive me, I come up with ideas from time to time, and if you were to look at my videos you'd see I have neither the talent or equipment to pull these things off, or I don't have the time, or whatever.
Thought I'd just share, since it's christmas...
1. Bring up a hero and talk motivationally about him.
2. Sketch where you get up in the morning and go to make coffee, but shoot it like a journey film, like man against the elements.
3. Find something everyday, like a potato and research some odd uses for It.
4. Sketch where you become you're own stalker, follow yourself around only to reveal that you were following yourself from the future and you become the stalked at the end.
5. Do a video while holding you're breath. More of a challenge than an idea that last one.
6. Make a video in which you do a good deed.
7. Make a video in which you do a bad deed.
8. I saw someone do a choreographed video in reverse, duncandoo, was the user. It was cool.
9. Get a stranger to help you do something.
10. If you have good equipment, find the most beautiful part of your hometown and tell people how it makes you feel, artisticly if pos
11. Share something you created when your were a child, like a crappy painting.
12. Bewbs.
13. Do a video about your local YouTube community, I came across a video about Scottish youtubers recently and it opened up new world for me.
14. Make a stop motion video, I think there are lots them already though, but they can be fun,
15. Build a fort and fight a fictional enemy.
16. I think I am sacrificing quality for quantity, and I think that process started at, like, idea 2
17. Challenge you're viewers, if they are local do a scavenger hunt, do it for charity or fun.
18. Talk about who the villains are in society, or who you think a villen is.
19. Are there reallyvillans in society, sure there are bad people, but actual villains and bad organisations? Or are there just bad systems that are open to abuse and most of the problems in the world are caused by complacence?
20. Do a video explaining up to five ideas you have sat on for too long.
21. Do something to improve your self, or challenge your self. Pretend someone from twitter suggested it if you need an excuse.
22. Do a news cast that reports on something that is totally undramatic, like printer ink supplies, but deliver like its end of the world.
23. Here's good one. Do yourself a favour and stop reading this, I think even the dude who wrote thee is having doubts,
24. Start a narrative, maybe film noir, something with a style that's easy to replicate. Do three minutes of the story then tag someone to else to do the next part. The characters should be overly stylised. So, for instance the main protagonist could be a detective who always wears a brown coat and a baseball cap, something anyone can copy, the female interest can be pink, colour coded so in each successive video the viewer can identify them. It should be like one of those stories you get online that anyone can write a paragraph in. Just for fun.
25. Learn a magic trick, a deceptively simple one, but one thing leads to another and boom, someone is dead.
26. Tutorial - how to get rid of dead body.
27. Review a book, encourage your viewers to read it, I can't speak highly enough of reading, and if youare a gammer or whatever asnd like to read, share the passion. It mcould be unexpected on your channel, fairenough i mightn't do it if you were a hard core playthgrough only kind of tuber but yeah. Reading good.
28. Tuber? What? Is that a thing people say... I don't think it is.
29. Put yourself in someone else's shoes, figuratively.
30. Put yourself in someone else's shoes, literally.
31. Pet hates.
32. Find some new art or music or writing that no one has seen before and showcase it, support creators.
33. Invent a new sport or game with your friends
34. Subscribe to my channel.
35. Actually no, you'll regret it.
36. I know they say never work with children or animals but make video where your pet plays an important part.
37. Do something monumentally boring, like some dude counted up to 100000 verbally, that's it, it got loads of views. Took him like 35 hours.
38. Build a vehicle.
39. Err, I think that's it fo now.
Hope this triggers an actual good idea if you have been stuck, merry Christmas, thanks for reading...
I would like to point out that I don't think my ideas are so good they should be considered a gift. Just sometimes random bull can trigger inspiration and I hope that happens
Thought I'd just share, since it's christmas...
1. Bring up a hero and talk motivationally about him.
2. Sketch where you get up in the morning and go to make coffee, but shoot it like a journey film, like man against the elements.
3. Find something everyday, like a potato and research some odd uses for It.
4. Sketch where you become you're own stalker, follow yourself around only to reveal that you were following yourself from the future and you become the stalked at the end.
5. Do a video while holding you're breath. More of a challenge than an idea that last one.
6. Make a video in which you do a good deed.
7. Make a video in which you do a bad deed.
8. I saw someone do a choreographed video in reverse, duncandoo, was the user. It was cool.
9. Get a stranger to help you do something.
10. If you have good equipment, find the most beautiful part of your hometown and tell people how it makes you feel, artisticly if pos
11. Share something you created when your were a child, like a crappy painting.
12. Bewbs.
13. Do a video about your local YouTube community, I came across a video about Scottish youtubers recently and it opened up new world for me.
14. Make a stop motion video, I think there are lots them already though, but they can be fun,
15. Build a fort and fight a fictional enemy.
16. I think I am sacrificing quality for quantity, and I think that process started at, like, idea 2
17. Challenge you're viewers, if they are local do a scavenger hunt, do it for charity or fun.
18. Talk about who the villains are in society, or who you think a villen is.
19. Are there reallyvillans in society, sure there are bad people, but actual villains and bad organisations? Or are there just bad systems that are open to abuse and most of the problems in the world are caused by complacence?
20. Do a video explaining up to five ideas you have sat on for too long.
21. Do something to improve your self, or challenge your self. Pretend someone from twitter suggested it if you need an excuse.
22. Do a news cast that reports on something that is totally undramatic, like printer ink supplies, but deliver like its end of the world.
23. Here's good one. Do yourself a favour and stop reading this, I think even the dude who wrote thee is having doubts,
24. Start a narrative, maybe film noir, something with a style that's easy to replicate. Do three minutes of the story then tag someone to else to do the next part. The characters should be overly stylised. So, for instance the main protagonist could be a detective who always wears a brown coat and a baseball cap, something anyone can copy, the female interest can be pink, colour coded so in each successive video the viewer can identify them. It should be like one of those stories you get online that anyone can write a paragraph in. Just for fun.
25. Learn a magic trick, a deceptively simple one, but one thing leads to another and boom, someone is dead.
26. Tutorial - how to get rid of dead body.
27. Review a book, encourage your viewers to read it, I can't speak highly enough of reading, and if youare a gammer or whatever asnd like to read, share the passion. It mcould be unexpected on your channel, fairenough i mightn't do it if you were a hard core playthgrough only kind of tuber but yeah. Reading good.
28. Tuber? What? Is that a thing people say... I don't think it is.
29. Put yourself in someone else's shoes, figuratively.
30. Put yourself in someone else's shoes, literally.
31. Pet hates.
32. Find some new art or music or writing that no one has seen before and showcase it, support creators.
33. Invent a new sport or game with your friends
34. Subscribe to my channel.
35. Actually no, you'll regret it.
36. I know they say never work with children or animals but make video where your pet plays an important part.
37. Do something monumentally boring, like some dude counted up to 100000 verbally, that's it, it got loads of views. Took him like 35 hours.
38. Build a vehicle.
39. Err, I think that's it fo now.
Hope this triggers an actual good idea if you have been stuck, merry Christmas, thanks for reading...
I would like to point out that I don't think my ideas are so good they should be considered a gift. Just sometimes random bull can trigger inspiration and I hope that happens
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