3 Channels linked to one Adsense account - Hurts CPM?


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I have 3 channels linked to my Adsense account. My CPM stays around $1.20 - $1.70 which is pretty low, right?

Well, I have 2 channels that are not doing very well linked but one is doing VERY well. Are those 2 other channels that are linked hurting my CPM? Should I unlink them?

I heard that watch times/retention and such come into play with CPM so if theres 2 accounts on the account not getting lots of views then they are probably making me loose money more than earning right?
Any CPM estimation would give you would be pure speculation as every channel monetizes differently, due to all of the factors that go into the CPM. These factors include audience location, minutes watched, time of year, content type, demographics, and more.
Any CPM estimation would give you would be pure speculation as every channel monetizes differently, due to all of the factors that go into the CPM. These factors include audience location, minutes watched, time of year, content type, demographics, and more.
Oh ok, so CPM for each channel is individual? The CPM that shows up on my AdSense is just a rough estimate of all 3 channels combined? Thanks :)
CPM is merely an average cost of a set of views that the advertisers paid for. Each click may be anywhere from a penny to several dollars and it is almost entirely based on the viewer, not your channel. Most advertisers don't care about you, they care about who watches your videos.

When you tally up all of the earnings from ad impressions and clicks that triggered a payment, divide by total monetized views and multiply by 1,000, you get CPM, the average cost for 1,000 views on the channel.[DOUBLEPOST=1447435868,1447435830][/DOUBLEPOST]
Adsense does limit the possibilities, because they have less advert types.

You should be more specific. Less advert types than what?