What's your channel name and amount of subs?
- Lightsen - 111k
Where were you at (insert time frame) compared to where are you at now?
- ive been on youtube in forever, so ill pick the oldest date available on the wayback machine.
here's a screenshot from June 13th 2008:

compared to now, its a pretty dramatic increase

(also i wonder how many videos I've watched by now haha, probably a million!)
How did you increase channel growth?
making better videos and trying to pump them out faster (on a record 3-4 a year now!)
Why do you think your channel grew?
I made sure to try my absolute best to improve each video, as I learned more and more in animation. I can point to any upload and explain what new technique I used, or writing, joke timing, backgrounds, new colouring, etc. there was always some new improvement or method, and it really helped me when commenters provided the criticism for me.
How do you think people find you? (Is it through Social Media, youtube search, collabs, google etc)
most of my traffic by far is from related, suggested and home. I think most people find me when they are browsing random animated videos.
Did any video create a spike in growth?
4 of my 20 vids have my channel a spike, you can see the spikes here: (ive set it to daily subs rather than views cause its easier to see)

So yeah, I like to use my own channels graphs to show people can grow at any time. 2/3rds of this graph is pretty much flatline, and then in 2013 it started to grow.
So please if you have a channel, and you feel like there is no progress, or you have been going for years without the results you want, keep making videos, improve for every upload (or if you upload every day, make an improvement every week or month) listen to criticism. and I mean LISTEN. even if it's harsh, it will help you in the long run. I got some pretty harsh criticism but used it to improve, I was blind to my own content, I couldn't hear the sound errors, or the bad timing, or the ugly credits screen. When you make it yourself its hard to see the faults in it as clearly as other people.
Now the critics are telling me they see a major improvement in my content, and that makes it all worth it
most of all - make videos for fun
If it eventually turns into a job then that is fantastic! if it doesn't, then it's no problem since you enjoy it anyways!