200 Subscriber Special Help!


Active Member
I need some ideas about what to talk about in my commentary (first time I'm doing a commentary) so yeah if you got any good ideas drop them down in the comments below :D

Thanks :)
3MIN MOAB MW3 (old clip I had) hopefully gonna get a cap card this week or so.. to record Battlefield 3, BOPS2 and everything else :D[DOUBLEPOST=1365941813,1365941787][/DOUBLEPOST]
No worries, Thanks :D
Oh right okay so you want ideas of what to say then?
Future content on the channel, ask your viewers what they want to see, maybe talk abit about your personal life.
Alright yeah what about a Q&A questions which I make up and answer? Cos I dont really get a lot of comments each video.[DOUBLEPOST=1365942024,1365941920][/DOUBLEPOST]
Oh right okay so you want ideas of what to say then?
Yeah I might do a Q&A and talk about up coming things for my channel.
No problem :) I also have a gaming channel that I made recently. I only have one video on it at the moment but my webcam pics up the noise of the fans -_- but I did a live comm and managed to talk for 8 minutes or so so im sure youll be fine :)