200 Subs Q&A


Blue Haired Chubby Kid
Yeah, yeah, I know. It's not a big thing and it's kind of lame that I'm doing this. But still, I'd rather show my subs that I give a poop about them than just ignore that I've doubled my audience since I've come back from hiatus... even if it's still a small number.

Would you guys be cool and ask me some questions?
Congrats on 200, that is amazing!

I'm going to go the funny route.
- Is Disney World a people trap operated by a mouse?
- Why do they call it quicksand when it brings you down slowly?
- When cheese gets a picture taken, what does it say?

Can't wait for the video!!!!
I have a very serious question and congratulations on your channels success. my question is:

how much wood could a woodchuck chuck could a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Well done on 200 subs!

What's your best life experience?
What is your fave colour..................................................... .....................
Do you even lift?