2 Year YouTube Birthday in 1 month

Darren Taylor

I've Got It
My 2 Year YouTube birthday is coming up at the end of August and I thought I would share my lessons and findings to see if people experience the same or get any value from my musing

1) YouTube STILL hasn't suggested any of my videos really. I get 90% of my views from search and from external (Google search page) and I am not getting recommended, not sure if it will ever happen, but it's OK. YouTube is supporting my business.

2) It doesn't get easier, necessarily. There isn't a flashpoint for me where I start getting crazy growth. Year 1 = 1k subs, year 2 I should hit just over 2k subs based on my current growth rate. Are you seeing the same or are you growing quicker?

3) My production value has improved and I am visibly better on camera. This will happen with your channel too I am sure. Watching my first video is painful:giggle:

4) If you asked me where I want my channel to be in year 3, I couldn't tell you. Based on experience, maybe 3k subs :tongue: But as long as I am giving people value and I still get gigs, I am happy

5) There isn't an easy way to get tons of views via 3rd parties. Only YouTube's suggested can help you grow quickly. You can't buy your way to the top in my niche - and I am sure this is the case in many other niches

6) I still haven't done a collaboration (for shame!) - But i have set myself a task to do one this month before my 2 years on YT

Anyway, let me know your experiences! Do they match what I am seeing?
Well done for sticking at it for this long! :up2:

So many videos are uploaded daily that its easy for good content to get lost in a sea of videos. But sometimes all it takes is 1 person to share your video with 3 friends and it starts from there.