youtuber collabs

  1. Paranoia_Origins

    Gaming LF PS4 |18+ Collab Recruitment!

    Me and my friend OG_BNETT need 3-4 other youtubers with ps4's to help create more fun, funny, random, any other type of gaming content. LF YouTubers that has and uses a PS4, to collab with me and my friend. What does our collaboration consists of? I would like to make a lot of PS4...
  2. ImLeek

    Gaming XB1 Youtuber Collabs

    Hey guys this thread is for xbox one players who are youtubers looking for collabs to help grow their channel. My gamertag is Ma1ique And if you would consider it go check out my channel, comment( i really need feedback) and subscribe if you like what you see My Channel name is ImLeek