youtube earnings

  1. O

    Gets tons of views but low revenue

    Hi I have a video which has got thousands of views over the last few days but when I look at my estimated earning they are not going up like what am I doing wrong here? Best, Oliver
  2. J

    My Yоutubе аccоunt gоt tеrmіnаtеd, wіll I gеt my eаrnіngs?

    Thеrе's twо sеpаrаtеd Goоglе аccоunts I'll just lаbеl thеm аs "A" & "B". Sо а/c "A" іs fоr Yоutubе & а/c "B" іs fоr Adsеnsе. Sо My Yоutubе аccоunt frоm а/c "A" gоt tеrmіnаtеd fоr vіolаtіng thеir tеrm оf sеrvіcеs, whіlе my Adsеnsе аccоunt frоm а/c "B" іs stіll аlіvе fоr nоt viоlаting аny оf thеir...
  3. T

    YouTube extremely low earnings, revenue in 2016, huge drop in AdSense RPM

    Since January 2016 my page RPM has dropped from an average of $1 in 2015 to $0.35 in the first half of 2016. I've change nothing on my channel, but I'm seeing that fewer and fewer of my videos get suggested. My average retention time if about 1 minute, 40% of the views came from US and Canada...