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  1. wasteoftimegames

    These girls were wild ;) ...or not? 50/50 take your chance

    okay, i finally was able to push through all that noise on this forum and got some attention. haha im sorry please dont hate me for this.. i was wondering if you can give me some feedback on my gaming channel..... i basically suck at every game but eh i honestly need feed back.... maybe my...
  2. The Rich Binman


    If you comment feedback on my video I will be more than happy to return the favour IF YOU ENJOYED LIKE AND SUB PLEASE!!!!
  3. javacentral

    Took a challenge to find the worst store brand coffee I could find

    And man, it was rough! Not going to lie, I had some pretty crappy video. If there are any changes you think I could do, I'm open ears!