video tags

  1. Jack Ryan

    How YouTube Video tags works?

    I have a Youtube Channel (758 subs). I used some tags which nobody has used ever yet. but people with small as well as big channels start to put my tags in their videos, will my tags (ranked previously) starts to decrease the ranks for those tags. considering I have used those tags first (so no...
  2. Alan Spicer YT Tips

    Supercharge Your YouTube Video Tags for Search (How I Tag My YouTube Videos)

    Learning How to Tag YouTube Videos can be hard but I have a little technique to Tag youtube videos for search and more videos. In this video I am going to teach you how I tag my youtube videos and how you can use google, youtube search and tubebuddy to tag yours.
  3. HyDraid

    Video tags

    I still use Taggs for my video's because I think it's effective to reach the people who are interested in your type of content but I don't know if nowadays taggs are still helpful ?
  4. KiddieToysReview

    Channel Keywords and Video Tags

    Hi Everyone, I would like to ask what your strategies are with respect to channel keywords and individual video tags. For individual videos tags, do you also include some channel keywords? For example for our channel, our channel keywords include such words as "toys" "kids" "fun" "games". Our...