the division ps4

  1. vspecialistv

    "Hacking Really" The Division Dark Zone Gameplay - PS4

    Hi guys, explain to me why do people love to cheat their way through things? This video is a rant of a group of players in the Division that were hacking and cheating in the dark zone. They where in a cheating spot in the map that we couldn't kill them, but they were killing everyone that...
  2. vspecialistv

    "Got To Play" The Division Gameplay - PS4

    Hi guys, The Division is an amazing game. I haven't play much of the full game, but i played a lot of the beta. If you got the game, play the missions on hard, it gets crazy. Also, its better playing with a group rather than by yourself. Hope i see you guys in The Division. Thank you for...
  3. Jorpheus

    Gaming PS4 Collabs - New youtuber

    Hey, I'm a new youtuber (Jorpheus), I'm Irish and 18 years old. I only have 9 subscribers after a week of uploading but hope to increase that! Hoping to find some people to collab with on fifa, gta, minecraft and probably the division when it comes out! Get back to me? :coolshades:
  4. RandomGamingVideos

    The Divison: Gameplay videos/Missions/Trailers

  5. vspecialistv

    The Division Beta Walkthrough Gameplay Part 2 - Xbox One

    <iframe type="text/html" frameborder="0" width="1920" height="1080" src="" allowfullscreen></iframe> Hi guys, today is another The Division Beta Walkthrough Gameplay. Tom Clancy’s The Division is a revolutionary next-gen experience...