
  1. Happydude

    Is there a difference between saying swear words (cussing) AND bleeping then out?

    So am wanting to start my own YouTube channel in the coming week but am wanting to reach a wider audience. At the same time I want to be genuine and not put on a fake persona. I use many swear words a lot during my journal everyday speech and am wondering how YouTube would treat my channel if I...
  2. Sammi

    Will companies not want to hire me because I swear a lot in my videos?

    I started my channel about a year ago and I never really thought that it would negatively affect my career prospects but I'm a little paranoid now and I'm worried that after one google search of my name interviewers will be running for the hills.
  3. Aaron Kelsall

    Swearing on YouTube?

    Oops. I swear in some (probably all) of my videos. Oops.. What does YouTube say about this?
  4. Lior Potolsky

    Swearing in Videos. Yay or Nay?

    Hi, everyone! Just curious, how do you feel about swearing on YouTube? How do you feel about a video with A LOT of it? What about a few "f***s" or "s**ts"? Or not at all? (I just started a new show and haven't said anything "dirty" yet. Not sure if I should let myself "go there")
  5. darkstarmedia

    The 3 Most "Offensive" Swear Words

    This week, I talk about the meanings of the three most "offensive" swear words. I imagine you've already guessed what they might be, so why not give this video a watch and see if you were right all along? CONTENT WARNING: Contains (naturally) very strong language. Proceed with caution and enjoy...