
  1. sebasty010

    Services FREE Cinematic Sound Effect Pack

    Hey! I would like to share with you guys this sound effect pack, which contains free royalty-free sound effects: genyoon dot com /asset/cinematic-sound-effect-pack-i All sounds are free for commercial and noncommercial uses. All sounds are licensed under CC 1.0 Public Domain.
  2. Cpaws Music

    Services [Paid] Experienced Sound Designer/Music Composer Available for Hire

    Hey there! My name is Cpaws and I compose music, sound effects and overall sound design for video games and film. I've worked on numerous games (both music and sound effects) and am looking to spread my services to whomever needs them. My prices are $15 per sound effect & $150 per minute of...
  3. The Unwanted Letter

    Videos quiet

    So my videos seem a bit to quite i know stuff like music and sfx is needed but in between i simply just have room tone and sound effetcs and it still feels too quite to be engaged but do you all have any suggestions