script writing professional

  1. MadJack

    Project Swing: Writers Needed

    Welcome to Project Swing I'm currently looking for writers to be apart of this LONG TERM project that I have been wanting to start-up for some time now. I've been wanting to not only develop a story but also develop characters and the world itself for Project Swing. However, I am currently...
  2. Salvatore

    Unique ideas for videos

    We are going to start a brand new channel and we want a co-worker with us to this project. We will have a video editor, a voice over guy and we need a writer for the videos. I'm asking to all of you on yttalk if there is someone who can be part of this project as a writer. :) :) The videos...
  3. SwaggyIndian

    Script writing tools

    The best tool is Celtix for script writing. It puts it in a professional movie script layout. You could even create a tv show to pitch to a network.