scary games

  1. PopsLetsPlay

    Layers of Fear [Part 6] DELUSIONAL

    In this episode a lot of secrets get revealed about the man and his wife. While finding out those secrets i will be minding my own business..with loud growls and snarls following me every step of the way. That's always a pleasure. Oh, and let's not forget the menacing whispers in my head lol...
  2. TriStrider97

    I Just Want My Wife Back! - Outlast 2 - Part 4

    How's it going everyone TriStrider here bringing you another video of Outlast 2 and Marta the diamond hammer just doesn't quit well she is not getting my giblets
  3. TriStrider97

    LET THE NIGHTMARES BEGIN - Little Nightmares - Part 1

    How's it going everyone TriStrider here bringing you Little Nightmares What I Know About This Game Is That Your're a Little Girl That Is In Some Type Of Huge World Where Monsters Roam i'm Guessing Her Childhood Fears And Your Trying To escape Hope You Enjoy Check out The Channel if You Did...
  4. AMX Gaming

    Welcome To AMX Gaming

    Trailer about my channel enjoy and thank you for watching and the support
  5. Brandzor

    Garrys Mod Horror Map - Nyctophobia - All s***s & No Giggles

    If you'd like to see a grown man attempt to save his Nan and s**t himself in the process, then this video is for you... F**K YOU NAN. Enjoy my Garrys Mod Horror map playthrough!
  6. Foorson

    Dark Echo #2 | THROUGH THE WATER

    There’s something in the water… I’ve heard that somewhere before…
  7. Foorson

    The Evil Within Part 12 | HERE BOY!

    OK K.O! Second upload of the day : The Evil Within part 12! This game is a true horror!