salt report

  1. Salt Report

    Salt Report - Digital Homicide vs The World

    Digital Homicide seems to be really driven...driven to drive themselves into the ground! They shot back into the limelight this week with yet another long-shot lawsuit. This time focused on 100 individuals and even Valve! Learn more about it in this episode of SALT REPORT!
  2. Salt Report

    Salt Report - Russian p**n Ban!

    Russia gets hit with a banwave blocking two major sites this week! Understandably, this got internet warriors up in arms. Find out more in this episode of SALT REPORT! We're testing out a new format for our videos; it turned out remarkably different than our channel's first upload, and we think...
  3. Salt Report

    Salt Report - YouTube Censored?

    YouTube's recent change in how people are informed about the monetization status of their videos, combined with a not so optimized algorithm, has created a bit of a sensitive situation on the site. Angry internet goers have their pitchforks ready, but is it really that big of a problem? Watch...