rocket league collab

  1. Doodel

    Gaming Looking for people to collab with

    Hey We are already a group of 3, but we would like some more people though since that would make the videos a lot funnier. Games: GTA 5 (PS4) Rocket League (PS4) FIFA (PS4) Cards Against Humanity (PC) Pinturillo (PC) Golf With Friends (PC) And other games as well. Must be 15+, have a decent mic...
  2. MadJack

    Rocket League - LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!

    So this is my first time posting on this stream before so I do hope you like the video. If you like decent editing then you have certainly come to the right place! Feedback is also appreciated if you wish :)
  3. CapTan Hardcore

    Gaming Rocket League collab

    I'm looking for someone to play against my friend and I in rocket league 2v2 but not just normal rocket league different modes we've come up with, also rumble and normal if interested drop me a line in the thread.
  4. N

    Gaming Looking for collab partner/s (Rocket League and/or Rust mainly)

    Heey guys, I am looking to get some collaborations going and start doing Youtube again. I intend to be playing mainly Rocket League and Rust for a start. (examples of channels I enjoy would be the F2 Rocket League clan and Zuckles/Soup kind of stuff for rust) I was thinking we'd start off by...