
  1. Stoner Gamer


    What can i do better in my videos. Does my channel look appealing. Does my intro stand out enough. What could I change about the appearance. Any feedback mould be much appreciated.
  2. Simply6

    1,000,000 Views and 2,000 Subscribers!!

    Well, my last update here was on April 15th 2017 with 800 subscribers and a bit over 400,000 views. After taking a year long hiatus, I am back to posting more videos. That being said, I would like to post an update on the progress of my channel, even in my absence. On May 18th 2018, I reached...
  3. Quick Question

    ALSO HIT 10 SUBS! - I'll take it!

    Been about two weeks since I started my channel and I just recently hit 10 subs. It feels awesome. I know the climb is slow and will continue to be slow but it feels great to be making progress, period. Not sure if this is average or below or above, but I'll take it! Onwards and upwards my...
  4. Jonatan Moser


    Hey there folks! So, today I finally crossed the 50.000 views mark! And when I say finally, it's because I actually 'lost' like 6.000 views (don't ask me how!)... A while ago I was at 47.000, and suddenly, the next day, I was back to 41.000. I was really annoyed with this, obviously, and...
  5. Benau

    Getting there! 500 Views, 40 Subscribers, 250 Social Media Follows

    Hey guys! Just wanted to say thank you for all the support! The Benau YouTube channel now has: 40+ Subscribers 500+ Views 250+ Social media follows (not including 670+ on Soundcloud) Thank you guys again!!!
  6. JRuncie

    cruising over 2000 views

    6 weeks- 26 subs- over 2000 views. We seem to be starting to pick up some momentum. Views are up from 30 two weeks ago to averaging now over 60 views a day. Thank you all for the help to date.
  7. Jonatan Moser

    300 subs and awesome stuff within reach!

    Hey everyone! I just wanted to share with you my newest milestone - 300 subs! :-) I've been taking YouTube more seriously lately, and this is my third month of relatively regular uploads... And my sub count has grown from 100 to 300 since I started this (for me) new form of dedication! I am...
  8. Promice

    How much have your videos changed since you made your first video?

    How have you improved them, or have you completely changed what you post? A friend recently started a brand new channel with a different topic but his old channel is pretty much dead, this made me wonder how people's videos have evolved both in content and maybe hardware you use to make them.