
  1. Truely

    Request [Free] Need New Banner and Picture

    Hello if someone could make me a banner for my channel True Ace i would love it. I don't have really any requirements except: 1. My twitter on it ( @TrueAce0417 ) 2. My Twitch ( trueace04 ) 3. In English Plz
  2. Truely

    Request [Free] Intro Needed

    Hi I am making a new youtube channel and i would love it if someone would make me an intro for my videos. I got a banner from here and i was hoping that someone would provide an intro too
  3. Razz_

    Improvments for my Channel?

    hey guys this is Razzo :wavespin:. I'm simply asking your opinions on what i really need to work on my channel. It is a bit new but i still want to make sure I'm not doing some embarrassing mistakes:eek: when/if people start subscribing to my channel. I'm not really trying to promote my channel...