pc only

  1. 3X_

    Gaming funny moments collab people

    we need active people. don't join if you're not going to be able to record at least %70 of the time. also please answer some questions. I'll answer them too. Questions : What is your channel name? NotZUZE What is your discord name and tag? NotZUZE#4847 but definitely join the certified boys...
  2. PhysicsFreak101

    Gaming I wanna make funny moments videos similar to Fitz and Vanoss, PC ONLY

    Hey everyone, it's been a little bit since I posted on here, still looking for people to collab with, I wanna make quality content with others who also strive toward that goal. Please post an answer to all the following questions! Questions : What is your channel name? What is your discord...
  3. HiftyNifty

    Looking for friends to collab with

    I'm HiftyNifty, I had the occasional friends to record with, none of them where really "friends" that would stick around threw the rough times threw YouTube, most of them only care about views and subscribers, I have couple friends to record with but we want a bigger group to record with, we're...
  4. Suprex

    Gaming Looking for other YouTubers to record Funny vids with (PC)

    I am looking for other YouTubers ( ages 16-17+) to make funny moment videos with and just have a good time, help eachother grow and maybe even become friends. Requirements: -have a good mic (no background noise) - like i said be at least 16-17+ - Be able to take a joke, make jokes and not get...
  5. S

    Gaming Collab multiple games, PC only, occasionally stream

    Hey guys. I want to do collaborative vids with a group of 3 - 5. Games: Rainbow 6 Siege PayDay 2 Cs:Go Cards against humanity Garry's Mod (sandbox, ttt, murderer, hide'n'seek, prop hunt, horror maps) CoD: WaW zombies (custom maps) CoD: BO II zombies Block and Load (not so much) REQUIREMENTS...