
  1. James BB

    Vlog The Summer of 2019!!!

    Hi, my name is James and I'm 16 years old and live in Oxfordshire, England. This year I'm taking my GCSE's and have a 15 week summer where I really want to boost my channel. Currently my channel sits on 200 subscribers, it use to be more but I took a long break and currently have no videos after...
  2. James BB

    Vlog YouTubers in UK

    Hi I’m James and I live in Oxfordshire with a channel of 500 subs, I recently started YouTube again and would love to do some vlogs wether we just meet up for the day or go somewhere random, ie Thorpe park I don’t mind, I would love to start a group of around 5-6 people and would like to start...
  3. S

    Other Need a debaters!!!

    I have various debates that i am planning, i would like to allow anyone who wants to participate, the ability to do so! Please fill out this link if you are interested!!!