no ideas

  1. VRONA

    A Trailer for my Channel | What Should it be Like?

    I've been wanting to make a channel trailer for my channel for a long while now, however I don't know how to handle it at all. Here are my main questions: Should it be an animation, IRL, in a game, on just an empty slide, etc. Should I speak or have writting? What should I say/write? What...
  2. avrona

    Request Looking For New Banner

    Hello everyone, So I've been working away at my channel for almost 4 years now, yet I never got it a proper banner, just a few basic ones I made. So seeing how the 4 year anniversary is coming up, I decided to iron out everything on my channel, including getting a proper banner. Now here is...
  3. sparkypi

    Desktop Vlog Ideas?

    Hey guys, my channel is a gaming channel, but those videos are difficult and take hours to make, even for a junk practice round. I want to work on my skills all the time, so I made a secondary vlogging/challenge/etc. channel so I could use that to make short, easy-to-edit videos that would be...
  4. Moses Minchuk

    What should my channel be based around?

    I wanted to start a channel but I just don't know what to do! I love tech, and I am a very organized person, I hate cheap stuff, my voice is also pretty boring, and I am pretty shy. Does anybody have any ideas of what I should do?