newbie youtuber gamer

  1. KYLEX

    HELP!!! recording problems

    Hi all, hoping someone can help me out, i am using OBS for my recordings which i am practicing for, they save as an flv file firstly will that work when uploaded to you tube? and secondly when i watched my video back which i used MPC-HP for it looked fine until the 3d engine stated up then it...
  2. SupWithT

    Gaming Looking for Discord Collabers, PS4 players!

    So I FINALLY understand Discord so if you want to add me my username is Sup_W_T#3143 These are the ps4 games I have Crash N. Sane Trilogy (My baby) Shadow of Mordor Kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5 HD Remix (My other baby) Ratchet and Clank Uncharted HD Collection Uncharted 4 Naruto Shippuden Ultimate...