new logo

  1. L

    Gaming New Intros, logos, and Outros for whoever wants one! And possible collab

    I know this doesn't have anything to do with collabs, but I've been gone for a while making some of my friends new logos and all that. They said they liked them, so I was wondering if any of you guys would want one? If you do want one, or have a question, just leave a comment or something and...
  2. GeezerGaming


    What's going on lads & ladies! We're in desperate need of a revamp so we've decided to see if anybody out there could possibly help us geezers out by designing a new youtube logo & twitch banner for us. We would ideally pay for the services, however we would like for our requirements to be...
  3. Dansiles

    Logo idea

    So guys i made this logo and i really like the design and i want to know what all you people think. any feedback is appreiacted either negative or positive ive never really done any art before or design so i would like any sort of feedback as possible thank you all !
  4. Failproductions

    New Logo

    we are planing on changing are YouTube Logo to just kinda update it make it nicer, however with are new one were not sure we want (Destroy It) on it. the reason is because we just recently discovered another channel that started a few weeks after us made there name destroy it and now people are...
  5. Brandzor

    Request (FREE/YTTALK CASH) Really In Need Of New Channel Art & Logo

    How Ya'll Doing! I wouldn't usually ask this but as you can probably tell from my existing channel art & logo, I am EXTREMELY poor at designing channel art and I'm in desperate need of a new one! I'm thinking of just restarting my channel which new branding which is why it is as poor as it is...
  6. Sam Anderson

    Request [FREE] Intro and new logo

    Hey guys I was wondering if someone could be able to help me out by making me a new intro and a new logo as my current logo doesn't look the best. Whoever does it will get a shoutout on my channel. Thanks