If Subzero is God of Ice powers, then Fujin is God of wind. The combination is massive collaboration. It was Hit or Miss fight. I hope you will enjoy the "MAXIMUM DAMAGES". I am totally into Maximum damages.
Opponents were very sensitive in this gameplay. As soon as I rise in the air, opponent kicks in the air. Opponent blocks the move as soon as I press any button. It was hard and challenging but fun to play. ENJOY THE GAMEPLAY.
Full time entertainment with SCORPION and REPTILE in MK4.
Combination of SCORPION and REPTILE was pretty good. Scorpion spear move is effective to punish the opponent.
We will choose two players to fight against two players in each match. Subzero can freeze and Liu Kang can fire. I hope you guys will enjoy this gameplay.
He is combination of Reiko, Subzero and Tanya. Its quite disappointing that he was not given his own real powers in MK4.
Noob's weapon Scythe is very powerful and easy to punish the opponent. The fireball is similar to Tanya's fireball and he can throw fireball in air as well.
I hope you will...
We can say SHINNOK was the replacement of Shang Tsung but instead of transforming into other character, he impersonates them.
He copies all the characters moves except the Fatality. So if we are comfortable with all MK4 characters, then SHINNOK should be good enough.
Quan Chi is so evil, and so he has devilish moves. The main power is TELEPORT STOMP which is so fast that hardly opponent can block. Quan Chi can pull the weapons from the opponent which is quite interesting move. Skull throw is so creepy move and cool to attempt.
Ground pound is definitely amazing move, make sure the opponent is far, on the ground, is running fast, then hit this move.
Jax can throw missiles for self defense.
Kai has got some crazy moves and easy to execute. Rising fireball throws the opponent in Air, here is the point to make an uppercut. Mix the 2 High Punches, 2 High kicks, and throw Rising FIREBALL, then UPPERCUT, just perfect set of combo.
Teleport move allows me to go to another side of the screen to attack the opponent. Raiden's bolt throw move is fast and easy to hit. I can use Torpedo to defend myself from opponent's attack.
After Shao Kahn’s defeat at the hands of Liu Kang, Johnny’s soul was free to leave to a higher place. Johnny watched from the heavens as the events unfolded and the fallen Elder God Shinnok attacked Earthrealm.
Goro is the hardest to defeat, taking out the sword within a combo is very essential...
Jarek is the member of Black Dragon clan, in other words he works for KANO. He is complete copy of KANO except that he can perform ground slam. I used cannonball move to defend myself from any attack. I hope you liked my Lets Play.
Reiko flip kick move is really awesome, as it allows me to make more combos. Reiko Shurikens are good enough, but JAX and REIKO should not have given same weapon. So I played this arcade in MASTER 2 mode. I hope you will enjoy.
Fujin is the God of Wind, he has various wind powers that are incredible. Wind blow and whirl spin are genius attempts to hit the opportunity. I wish FUJIN was also included to latest Mortal kombat series but unfortunately makers did not decide to put him as a player. Anyways I enjoyed playing...
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