So I'm not new to YouTube, Twitch, or etc. Making Videos, Graphics, and etc. However I'm
going through re-branding I'm looking for to artist looking to get there names out there.
One with lots of energy and bass, the second being calm and chilled with there music.
Fill free to show what you got...
Hey, I'm with the website We do gaming news, updates, and cover just about anything having to do with gaming. We're looking for writers! We'd love to have you apply for a position. In between making news content, we give creators opportunities to express their thoughts and...
Hello, my name is Kyle! My channel has started to boost off a little bit. My channel ( is mainly a music channel. It is called "Music Master". I mostly do Instagram/Mood/Lyric edits. If you do not know what those are, just go take a quick peek at my channel...
need to meat the required fields below
need a good pc,need skype,over 50 subs,good headset
(my channel)
views:1632 videos:16/17 video type:funny
make sure to comment you skype down bellow thanks : ]
if you want to colab withe me you need to meat the required fields
need 100 subs
need 1000 views on you channel (send my your channel name)-(I will cheek info)
need a good pc/computer that can handle big games like gta5 and csgo
if you need to see my youtube details like subs go visit...
you must be over 100 subs
need to have a good pc/computer to handle big games like gta5 and csgo
need to speak English,need a good mic/headset for video purposes
and last of all list your channel and other things like skype and i will get back to you on skype
if your not sure go cheak out my...
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