league of legends 2016

  1. Novainfusion

    Epic Yasuo Ultimates.

    Hi all for any people who like the champion yasuo in the game league of legends. Here is a video of me doing some cool stuff with him. Hope you guys enjoy it.
  2. Erebusu

    Are you a League Of Legends player?

    Hey there, This is Erebusu! I am a League Of Legends player for three years now and just recently made my youtube channel. I am really passionate about this game and would love to be a part of its community. I am just making this thread to see how many League Of Legends players are in the...
  3. OniMarku

    Gaming League of Legends Collab.

    Hey, I am looking for a Collab for League of legends video, I have 46 subs, so the person would need a similar sub count :D If you are interested, let me know, I am ready to start anytime :D Thaks everyone.