java edition


    Gaming Clan SMP (Minecraft Java)

    Hello, clan smp is a modded 1.18 smp for small youtubers. It has the origins mod and midevil origins, i will make anyone a skin for the origin they choose. other notes: please be under 16 (most people in it are around 13) have a youtube or twitch channel (most people in the smp have under 100...

    Gaming Clan SMP (minecraft java)

    Hello, clan smp is a modded 1.18 smp for small youtubers. It has the origins mod and midevil origins, i will make anyone a skin for the origin they choose. other notes: please be under 16 (most people in it are around 13) have a youtube or twitch channel (most people in the smp have under 100...
  3. T

    Gaming Minecraft collab with a 1k+ Subs youtuber

    Hey fellas, I’m a really small YT channel with only a few subs. So I’m wondering if anyone with around 1k subs (or more) wants to collab? Or even better if anyone has a good vanilla smp similar to Hermitcraft to join that would be tons of fun. I’m a good builder and I have a few video ideas but...