Hey everyone, check out our powerful and thought-provoking short film on the devastating effects of drug addiction. Shot entirely on a Redmi Note 7 Pro, this film tells the story with just two characters and two locations. Be moved and inspired by this zero budget masterpiece, click the link...
I recently finished our short film (about 33 minutes long) for a passion film project that we've been working on for over a year and a half. Would love it if you guys took the time watch and enjoy the film. Any feedback for our future film projects is always appreciated as well. Don't forget to...
action drama
farley productions
fatal encounter
fatal encounter rise and fight
indepedent filmindiefilmindie movie
martial arts
rise and fight
short film
If you like Action, Drama and Martial Arts then check out my latest trailer for the Fatal Encounter series that I've been working really hard on. I always love constructive criticism cause it's how I've gotten this far to begin with. And heck maybe we can work together on stuff like this in the...
Just completed my latest short horror film, "The Red Room Curse". It is based on the Japanese Urban Legend 赤い部屋 (Red Room), about a deadly pop-up ad.:devil:
A late night on the internet leads to terror for Aaron and Melissa when Aaron accidentally crosses into the DARK side of the...
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