how to get views

  1. Valerio Mangano

    SEO tips

    Hello everyone today I want to share my experience with tube buddy (free version) and SEO! To make sure that your video is seen around you need to first search for a title, seriously, before even writing the script search for the title, for a title that is at least 60 in the scoreboard for the...
  2. Dutchie Abroad

    Why you are not getting any views || A networking story

    Something that I notice a lot on this forum are people that are complaining that they don’t get any views. Some have done sub4sub in the past, others have only been around for a few weeks and some have been doing this for ages. But I can tell you, the number one reason that you are not getting...
  3. RankdTV

    My videos have 4 times the amount of views than I have subscribers? Why?

    Hello, So I guess this is a good issue but a good amount of my videos have 4 times the amount of views than I have subscribers. This could be my chance to convert these viewers into subscribers but I'm not sure how. Has anyone been in this position before? If so, what strategies worked for...
  4. A

    Would love feedback on my latest video!

    Just posted my first of this new style of commentary I am doing! Would loved feedback on this video. I know it was short, but it was more of an update video than anything. Thanks! Also if anyone would like to give me gameplay footage for my commentaries, email me
  5. orben sceffers

    how to grow youtube views

    Hi guys any tips an ld advice to grow views and subscribers
  6. ApexTV

    How to Get More Views Using Google Plus

    When it comes to YouTube video marketing, Google Plus is one of, if not the best, marketing tool. If you want to get some viewers to your video, share it on Google Plus. I'm not talking about simply pasting the video link and hitting the share button, but rather joining what are called...
  7. OzTalksHw

    The Power of Reddit (When Used Correctly)

    Aloha. I just want to give some very quick advice for growing YouTubers: use reddit (but use it correctly). My post for reference is /r/hardware/comments/3snu6n/rosewill_neutron_review_miniitx_case_for_3999/ I restarted Youtube and uploaded my first video two days ago. Yesterday, I posted it...