
  1. R

    Looking For Movie/TV Show Reviewers!

    Hey everyone! I am looking for Movie/TV Show Reviewers to help out on a new website I have created - ReelRigReviews.com If you enjoy writing reviews as a hobby, then this is definitely for you! Although you won't be paid (this isn't a business, it's just a hobby for myself too - advertising on...
  2. creationsbys

    How to Make a Cobra "Ripped Jeans" Paracord Survival Bracelet (DIY)

    Hi there! We like to connect things,especially when it comes to paracord. This time we are presenting our"Paracord Ripped Jeans Bracelet" Choose the color of your own,and the bracelet is unlimited source of creativity. Don't throw your old and ripper Yeans,because you can wear them in other way...
  3. Scooterbean Videos

    Working To Hard?

    Now I want to start off by saying, YouTube isn't really work. Its a hobby that yes some people can get paid from, but most of us do it for fun. There is people who put a lot into their channel just to make it more watchable for their viewers, some more than others. Is there a point where you're...
  4. cadetKei

    YouTube in smaller countries?

    Ok, so this is a subject I've been thinking about for a while. I am from a fairly small country Latvia, and here I haven't heard of a lot of people that do YouTube. And if they do, they mostly stick to making videos in our own language. Mostly, its something people ridicule for being a weird...