
  1. Laitz

    One Punch Man「AMV」- Hero ♫

    AMVS From My Second Channel !
  2. Roman Ryder

    Become a Hero - Take Action Now

    Have you ever read a book or watched a movie and wished you could become a hero? You can be a hero, but you have to take action now! Action is really the component that sets heroes apart from everyone else. After all, they are called action heroes!
  3. O

    Hot Topic ** YOUTUBE HEROES (all discussion goes here only) **

    Anyone hear how YouTube is rolling out the ability for YouTubers to moderate videos, comments etc? Anyone can be a YouTube hero. Flag multiple videos at Once. (Edited by staff to include link to video )
  4. MaryCrockett

    9/11 We Will Never Forget - Our Tribute

    Lanie rode her horse Lucy and did a amazing tribute . We will never forget what happened 15 years ago and our prayers go out to the loved ones left behind. Thank you for watching and subscribe to our channel
  5. SonicR360

    Brand New Hero 4 Session Review - Should You Buy it?

    Hi all Latest Hero 4 Session review, more up todate to reflect GoPro's position. Enjoy Simon