
  1. B

    Gift card giveaways to subscriptions for growth??

    I think hosting a contest in which you give away 100$ gift cards or something like that to subs could pay of very well if you're small... It doesn't seem very eloquent and all, but I don't think it's to bad.. I've seen channels which grow very fast doing that. It of course doesn't mean I would...
  2. Rolz

    My first giveaway competition!

    Hey guys! ItsHowWeRolz here :) in an attempt to give back to the few loyal subs I have as well as increase exposure and potential community growth...I have initiated a giveaway over on my channel :D Check out the video for more details and you could win...
  3. M

    Let's talk giveaways

    ok guys, so for an upcoming video of mine I was thinking of maaaybe doing a giveaway. First of all, my thoughts are, is a giveaway possible at this point or do i need to be a bit more "famous" before doing one? (In other words, have more subs and views in order to have a decent number of...
  4. Rolz

    Giveaway suggestions

    Hi guys, I'm currently around the 60 subscriber mark and would like to do a giveaway once I reach 100 subs! Now what I need help with is the tracking of entries, I would like to use follows/subs (insta/twitter/youtube) to permit entries. Is there any way to track entries into the giveaway...
  5. Keyser Reveal

    Huge Microphone Giveaway

    Hey guys, I'm giving away 6 microphones on my channel. If you're interested, the info is below. Good luck!
  6. PureDangles

    Going Back to Giveaways

    What's going on YtTalk Community. Im an NHL gaming youtuber and have recently really slowed down on views + subs. Kind of stinks but i continue to push forward. Im thinking about doing some giveaways on my channel for the game, but making it so people have to watch/like the video. For example...
  7. Pedroseph

    How are my challenge ideas?

    Hi guys, So I've posted in a few different areas of this forum and it's turning out to be my favourite one! I am an entertainment based channel who does pranks, challenges, giveaways and little sketches/short films. Today I'd like to focus on my challenges. The challenges that I do on my...
  8. Porcupixel

    PreSonus Audio Interface Giveaway! (100 Subs Giveaway)

    Hey Everyone! In celebration of 100 subscribers we're giving away a PreSonus audio interface. Record voice or instruments with this lovely little box of wonders. GIVEAWAY ENDS 11/11
  9. Porcupixel

    PreSonus Audiobox - Audio Interface Giveaway! (100 Subs Giveaway)

    Hey Everyone! In celebration of 100 subscribers we're giving away a PreSonus audio interface. All you need is a mic and an XLR cable, and you're well on your way to some pristine commentary. GIVEAWAY ENDS 11/11
  10. Ruth Taylor

    Advice on a giveaway!

    Im hoping to do a giveaway on my channel for fun but I'm still thinking of what I could give away. I was thinking of sweets or chocolate but keeping it within the uk rather than worldwide too due to money costs. People with experience could you give me advice on good websites to help choose...
  11. joseph taylor

    Are giveaways scams?

    Ok so the question is! Is youtube giveaways scams? Well you cant know for sure if someone on youtube is scamming. Yes people do fake giveaways but not all of them do. If you want to know who does fake giveaways then you have to look for some things. So does the youtubers post the winner or does...
  12. Pdeanna


    I am considering doing some giveaways throughout the summer for my channel of my favorite products. Has anyone ever done them? If so do you have any advice?
  13. Saltago

    Hey guys!

    Hey guys! I am passionate fifa gamer who has played the game since fifa 12 making it to division 1 every year it comes out.There's been many times where I would just feel happy and buy a player on the market far a much higher price then it should be just so I can give some to the less fortunate...
  14. Batty About Toys

    Whiffer Sniffers Freddy Frosted GIVEAWAY!

  15. Purely Peña

    Giveaways and swaps, Do they help grow your channel?

    i am a little over 1k subscribers now, and have really been wanting to do a giveaway or a swap with someone in the hopes it generates more buzz for my channel (and sure, it could do the same for theirs). Has anyone here done a giveaway or a swap and noticed any difference in their channel? The...
  16. Roux Harbour

    20.000 Views! :D :D :D

    I Saw That Today, My Channel Hit 20.000 VIEWS! That's AMAZING! :D :D :D I Feel SO Grateful To My AWESOME Subscribers For Making This Happen!^^ I've Promised My Subscribers That When That Were To Happen, I'd Have an Extra Special Care-Package GIVEAWAY; So I'm Going To Announce That This Week via...