get to know me

  1. Nikki120113

    Get to know me!

    25 random things about me :) I think this vid is a great way for some of you to get to know me better instead of me writing it all the time. Although, if you do have any more questions, feel free to ask! Enjoy!
  2. Dutchie Abroad

    50 facts about me || Get to know me!

    It's a bit of a ramble, but hé, you try and tell 50 things about yourself! xD Very happy to have passed 50 subs (and now even the 65!)! Thank you all =D
  3. Meredith Bryan


    Hi everyone ! ! Who wants to get to know me better ? Fifteen random things about yours truly . . . .
  4. Yoursharkfriend

    Get to Know me Tag

    I want my subs to get to know me better naturally here is the tag :D
  5. Scandinavian Freckles

    Get to know me !!

    Hey everyone! Thought I would post my 50 facts about me video so you can get to know me a little bit better :) ! Have an awesome day !
  6. darkstarmedia

    Happy Birthday To Me!

    On March 7th 1993, the world was both graced and cursed with my presence. 23 years on, I thought I'd make a little video in which I reveal a little more about about myself as a thank you to all the wonderful people who have loyally followed my work over the last few months. Enjoy, my pretties!