
  1. AllenSae

    What's your camera equipment?

    Hey what's up guys! I just wanted to know what camera do you use to record on? What's your grab n go camera? Pros and cons ?I am currently using a Sony a6000! I love this mirrorless camera it's amazing :) also use a joby gorillapod! Drop a comment and let me know what you use ! Thanks beautiful...
  2. Maxemole

    Gears Of War 4 Open Beta Gameplay!

    Enjoy my a** getting handed to me!
  3. vspecialistv

    "DA F#%K!" Gears of War Ultimate Edition Part 2 - Act 2

    Hi guys, vSPECIALISTv here with part 2 of Gears of War Ultimate Edition. Thanks for watching Follow me at Twitter: Follow me at Instagram: My YouTube Channel:
  4. vspecialistv

    "Still Best Game Ever" Gears of War Ultimate Edition

    Hi guys, vSPECIALISTv here with a new Let's Play series, Gears Of War Ultimate Edition. This was a amazing Xbox 360 shooter, now remastered for the Xbox One. Crazy gameplay, blood, awesome story, blood, great multiplayer, and even more blood. Having that said, this is part 1 of Gears Of War...
  5. Jawad Soomro


    I follow the way to hatter, but it sends me back. We reach the hatter's house where we can discover moving gears. Following the hatter's workshop, we reach the stage "MAD CLEARING" where the game change the controls of the gameplay. If we press LEFT, we go to RIGHT, similarly if we press RIGHT...