
  1. Eoin_Mac

    Why do I do YouTube? Because it's fun!

    When I look at the miserable response to my little music videos I sometimes get discouraged. A lot discouraged! But then I remind myself that I have no plans to monetize! I'm not trying to gain 1M subscribers; I'm not trying to go viral, and I'm not trying to make myself YouTube's "next big...
  2. T

    Gaming Looking for pvz gw2 players on ps4 to collab with

    to contact more add me on friends my username is TheAetherThomas
  3. Occasional Vlog

    sleepy sunday with shed loads of snoozing. daily vlog #3

    It was hard work, but snoozing, resting, napping, snoring etc was on the to do list for the day. I think we excelled at it. EJ x
  4. Occasional Vlog

    child free day and painting the deck. Daily Vlog #1

    Nothing like somebody saying you can't, to make you determined that you can. The first of our daily vlogs, come and join us for some occasionally mildly amusing but predominantly mundane family fun. EJ x