gaming video review

  1. DivideAndConquer

    Gaming Video In Need Of Review

    Hey guys this is my newest video i made what i am looking for 1. how can i edit it better? 2. how is the audio? 3. should i add more VFX? 4. would you subscribe after seeing this video? 5. would you share this video with your friends or on forms? 6. is there anyway to make the video rank...
  2. HeadbanginZombie

    Looking For A Video Review Of My Latest 'Funny Moments' Series!

    Hey There! Allow me to introduce myself, I am Jack- 'AKA' HeadbanginZombie. I have a huge passion for YouTube, but i'm in much need of some channel feedback, I haven't been on YouTube long enough to really get some constructive criticism or help yet, and as we all know, YouTube is a huge place...