
  1. Jevan Simmons

    How to: Gain Muscle - Eating Healthy

    These are a few tips I go by to achieve those lean muscle gains. Enjoy! Make Sure you Like, Subscribe and leave a comment. ►Subscribe - ►Instagram - ►Facebook -...
  2. TheToastGamer

    Gaming Looking for a new group to game with!

    How’s it going? My name is Lexi, I’m 19 & I’m from the UK! I’ve finally gotten back into the hang of recording and uploading to youtube, so im pretty much just looking for some more people to hang and record with! My aim for this post: - To find a new group of guys and gals to game with...
  3. hywelevans22

    Looking for some constructive feedback!

    Hey all! Ive recently uploaded my secondYT video andI honestly think it is much better than the first already! This is because i asked for feedback and listened to it all to improve! My channel is based on fitness and being a student! If i can keep heading in this direction i will be super...