gain subs

  1. D

    Gaming Looking for people to do a comedy video in Garrys mod, Minecraft or other games.

    Looking for people to do a comedy video in Garrys mod, Minecraft or other games. We would have a fun time and we would record for both channels if wanted! Add me on discord
  2. Bro D

    My Channel Seems Stagnant?

    I started out my youtube channel great. I hit 15 subscribers in no time at all. Granted mostly friends but still, I was off to a decent start. Even after that, I seemed to hit 20 subscribers within the next week or so. And it feels like I have not gained a single subscriber within the last month...
  3. ZinQ Nasty

    Channel Review Feedback

    I have been Creating on Youtube for almost a year off and on. I have been going strong ever since the fall and have some good gaming content coming as well as skits. However, I would like some reviews on my channel, I want to know some of my weaknesses that i can fix and some of my strengths...
  4. Racurz

    Gaming YouTube Clan

    Yo guys i was just wondering if anyone wanted to create a new YouTube Clan with me i have 107 subscribers and guys if you are interested please have atleast 100+ subs so we all can gain an fair amount if any of our subs check out the other channels if interested please contact me on twitter...
  5. R

    How I am growing fast.

    Okay, so you came here to learn how I am growing fast on youtube, and how you can follow my steps. First, have good channel art [Ex. Thumbnails] Secondly, go out and reach to other people who are doing shoutouts. Something that I do is go on videos and ask them to subscribe to me, and reply...