food youtubers

  1. Scimplify

    Food/Nutrition channel; best promotion strategy?

    Hello there, Firstly, I am new to yttalk and finding this platform immensely helpful. I have a food/health/nutrition channel, and was wondering if I could any insights on the best way to promote my channel. Currently, I am dependent on facebook and google+, but either of these platforms don't...
  2. Joeowens1

    Snow Monster desserts

    This is our first vlog, let me know what you think.
  3. adams eats

    Any Leicester food youtubers out there?

    Hi peeps, Just on the hunt for some Leicester food youtubers. I've seen a few gamers on here but no foodies. I run a small channel thats been going for a month now, so just wanted to meet some like-minded gluttons!