Hey everybody!
Currently in the process of uploading a series of videos of me doing some pixel art. First up is a simple animated fire! It's a good way to quickly learn how to make animated fire pixel art!
Any feedback would be great! Thanks!
Hey everybody!
Currently in the process of uploading a series of videos of me doing some pixel art. First up is a simple animated fire!
Any feedback would be great! Thanks!
Hello everyone! Try out this simple way of meal prepping for the week. I did a quick vlog of me preparing my meals and I also show you guys how to make a delicious chicken rub recipe that I made through trial and error! Try it out and let me know what you guys think! Also don't forget to like...
This has been one of the most terrible fires we have had in Southern California. So many people were affected. Those who are from Cali should have heard about this, but here it is if you have not.
Last I heard 80,000 people were evacuated and 30,000 + acres burnt down.
And it was freakin great!
I had to go full bill nye on the video too, kinda to teach and explain how it all works and what not.
Let me know what you think!! Hope you hate it!
As I posted most of my videos is about fire or somehow I use fire or hot ball to destroy things. I do have some DIY and some of the other stuff which I will upload soon on my channel.
I paused on this frame from of a video I was editing and thought it was pretty cool. What are some things you guys have paused on that look funny/cool/unusual? eg- pausing a vlog when you were halfway through a yawn only to find a hilarious looking face staring back at you.
Those are the types of things that I post. Is there anyone around the age of 13 that would like to collaborate on one of these topics. I also post illusions and fire experiments. Please reply if you would like to collab or know someone who would like to collaborate.
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