Looking for people to chill with and make videos on cs:go and minecraft with (I am really bad at games so it would be a funny moments type of video)
The only things is it would not be pg and have some language and I would prefer the person to be 15 or over just for maturity sake (Im almost 17)...
need to meat the required fields below
need a good pc,need skype,over 50 subs,good headset
(my channel)
views:1632 videos:16/17 video type:funny
make sure to comment you skype down bellow thanks : ]
looking for a colabpartner
looking for a cs:go gmod and gta5 colabpartner
looking for colabers
nedd a colabpartner for gta5
need a colabpartner for gaming
need a colabpartner for gmod
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